Sunday, May 31, 2009

Parshat Naso

Hold onto your hats, this is a really crazy Hasidic Strip. One of the oddest, most thorny episodes in the Bible involves a man who suspects his wife of adultery. Inbal Freund-Novick, an Israeli activist for women's rights, tells the excruciatingly difficult tale of the accused wife in Parshat Naso. Hard to believe this stuff is in the Torah, but it's undeniably fascinating.

This is Episode 35 of the weekly Torah cartoon from Each week, a different storyteller - some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tell the story of the current Torah portion...and then we animate it!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Parshat Bemidbar

Just the facts, ma'am. Reporter Helen Chernikoff digs into the statistics of the Israelite census and tells us some interesting stories about the people who were wandering in the desert - much more than just their ages and occupations. Take a look bemidbar - in a desert - and see what you can learn about people.

This is Episode 34 of the weekly Torah cartoon from Each week, a different storyteller - some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tell the story of the current Torah portion...and then we animate it!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Parshat Bechukotai

You probably already know that the Torah isn't all rainbows and angels. Mirroring the angry tone of this week's Torah story, Hasidic Strip gets kinda dark and cranky for a change. Jeremiah Lockwood sets the scene with moody guitars and a voice that draws you vengeance.

This is Episode 33 of the weekly Torah cartoon from Each week, a different storyteller - some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tell the story of the current Torah portion...and then we animate it!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Parshat Behar

Betcha didn't know that the Torah has lots to say about sustainable farming practices. Organic farmer Emily Freed explains the laws of the land in down-to-earth language. So get your hands, or at least your ears, dirty!

This is Episode 32 of the weekly Torah cartoon from Each week, a different storyteller - some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tell the story of the current Torah portion...and then we animate it!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Parshat Emor

Sometimes, you've just gotta speak up. Texting, blogging, tweeting, Facebooking - they don't count. It's hard for a lot of us, and it was REALLY hard for Moses. So this week, Temim Fruchter steps out in front of the drum kit to give us some advice on how to do it well.

This is Episode 31 of the weekly Torah cartoon from Each week, a different storyteller - some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tell the story of the current Torah portion...and then we animate it!