Saturday, August 29, 2009

Parshat Ki Tavo

Thinking about the covenant between the People and God can be hard and sometimes Rav Raz and Leah Hartman - the Jerusalem couple who narrate this week's parsha - describe it like a joyful marriage. So put on your dancing shoes and celebrate with them in this week's Hasidic Strip!

This is Episode 50 of the weekly Torah cartoon from Each week, a different storyteller - some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tell the story of the current Torah portion...and then we animate it!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Parshat Ki Teitzei

A mitzvah is a commandment, and this week's parsha is chock full of them - 70 mitzvahs all told! Jeremy Benstein is an Israeli environmental leader who is our guide into Ki Teitzei this week. Join him, some cats, dogs, oxen, donkeys and more than a few birds to hear what the Torah has to say about preventing the suffering of animals.

This is Episode 49 of the weekly Torah cartoon from Each week, a different storyteller - some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tell the story of the current Torah portion...and then we animate it!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Parshat Shoftim

Double your justice, double your fun? Why does the Torah tell us "Justice, JUSTICE shall you pursue"?? To beat us over the head with a point, or to tell us something more? Join Rabbi David Saperstein for a lesson in the rules of just being, and being just.

This is Episode 48 of the weekly Torah cartoon from Each week, a different storyteller - some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tell the story of the current Torah portion...and then we animate it!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Parshat Re'eh

Chanan Rosin, of the Jerusalem band Majuda, sings about life and how to live it in Parshat Re'eh. Blessings in your life and on the land can be yours, a father tells his infant twins...and Moses tells the Children of Israel...if only they will follow the advice of another "parent."

This is Episode 47 of the weekly Torah cartoon from Each week, a different storyteller - some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tell the story of the current Torah portion...and then we animate it!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Parshat Ekev

Why on earth would Moses tell the people, to circumcise their hearts? (Like, ouch!) And how do you do that anyway? Check in with what Lindsay Litowitz says in this week's Hasidic Strip...and then start sharpening your scalpels!

This is Episode 46 of the weekly Torah cartoon from Each week, a different storyteller - some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tell the story of the current Torah portion...and then we animate it!